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CBS World News and VJ Day Coverage

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Recording Date(s)
August 14, 1945
Accession Number

CBS Radio coverage of the official announcement of the surrender of Japan, finally ending World War II. CBS correspondent Bill Henry reports from Washington, DC, and Bob Trout reports from New York. The reporters describe the activities of President Harry S. Truman giving a press conference and First Lady Bess Truman coming out of the White House, but contains no sound recordings of the Trumans directly. They report that British Prime Minister Attlee has already made an announcement, and that Japanese Emperor Hirohito will make an announcement from Tokyo. Trout's commentary extolls the wisdom of fighting Germany first, then Japan. News from Times Square in NYC with Charles Shaw reporting, describing the at least 300,000 people assembled to rejoice at the news of the end of the war. News from the island of Guam is relayed by correspondent Webley Edwards, a combination of rejoicing and weariness. Concludes with news relayed by John Adams reporting from Manila in the Philippines, where General Douglas MacArthur is headquartered. From: University of Washington.

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